
TXP Medicalはプロダクトの研究開発部門だけではなく、学術研究部門としてTXP Researchを擁する、世界でも稀な研究体制を敷いています。



TXP Researchのミッション







TXP Researchでは海外との多機関共同研究・ランダム化比較試験・ビッグデータ解析などの研究実績がある指導者に加えて、疫学・生物統計・機械学習に詳しいメンバーのサポートのもと、学術研究やTXPだからこそ可能な研究に取り組んでいます。また定期的に学ぶ場を提供し、データベースを解析するだけでなく、プロダクト開発や多機関共同研究、ランダム化比較試験などを支援し、その結果を社会に還元するための活動を行っています。

Team Leader


後藤 匡啓

GOTO Tadahiro

福井大学医学部卒業後、同附属病院救急部にて研修。Emergency Medicine Alliance・Japanese Emergency Medicine Networkのコアメンバーとして活動。救急専門医取得後、ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院修士課程に進学すると同時にマサチューセッツ総合病院救急部にて3年間臨床研究に従事。帰国後は東京大学大学院臨床疫学経済学講座にて研究活動を行い、現在TXP Medical社のCSO、ならびに横浜市立大学ヘルスデータサイエンス専攻客員講師としてデータ解析や臨床研究の指導を行っています。著書に「僕らはまだ、臨床研究論文の本当の読み方を知らない。」(羊土社 2021)、臨床研究論文作成マニュアルなど。

ResearchmapGoogle ScholarER collection



原 湖楠

HARA Konan



耒田 善彦

RAITA Yoshihiko

金沢大学医学卒業後、沖縄県立中部病院で内科研修し宮古島の総合病院で2年勤務してその後は腎臓内科研修。2018年にジョンズホプキンス大学の公衆衛生大学院卒業し、ハーバート医科大学の医科学修士コースに進学しマサチューセッツ総合病院で研究員として勤務。2021年に帰国後は沖縄県立中部病院で腎臓内科で勤務しTXP Researchにも所属し、国内外の研究機関との研究を継続している。



篠崎 智大




鱶口 清満(MD)


2014年熊本大学卒業。湘南鎌倉総合病院初期研修、同院ERで後期研修、チーフレジデント修了。救急専門医。医学の超加速度的な進歩に寄与しながら、現実の医療をいかに安全に行っていくかを急性期医療の現場から発信していきたいと思っています。TXP Researchでは経験豊富な指導者や若手研究者達とともに臨床研究・データハンドリングを学びつつ、実際のデータを用いて論文執筆を行なっています。救急領域の臨床研究はこれからで、5年先10年先を想像しながら日本や世界の医療に貢献できる未来を想像しながらコツコツと楽しんでいます。

添野 祥子(MD)


群馬大学医学部卒業後、自治医科大学附属病院で初期研修。白河総合診療アカデミーで後期研修。2018年、日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会で日野原賞受賞。現在TXP Medical社の社内研究者としてプライマリ・ケア領域の研究を行っています。

中島 誉也(MD)



柴田 潤一郎(MD)

SHIBATA Junichiro

2023年東京大学医学部卒。旭中央病院初期研修医。東京大学在学中は東京大学大学院医学系研究科法医学教室でCT画像を用いたGANによる骨折検知研究を行っていました。現在はTXP Medical リサーチチームの一員として、プレホスピタルや敗血症に関する研究に取り組んでいます。

春日井 大介(MD, PhD)


2015年 名古屋大学医学部医学科卒。日本赤十字社医療センターでの初期研修を経て、現在は名古屋大学医学部附属病院救急科にて集中治療を中心とした臨床・研究に従事。救急・集中治療専門医。大学では重症患者の臓器障害をターゲットとするトランスレーショナル研究を進めていますが TXP Researchとの共同研究により TXP Medical独自のデータソースや手法を活かしてさらに研究テーマの幅を広げていければと思います。


小倉 健太郎

OGURA Kentaro


門松 咲南



伊藤 直毅

ITO naoki



SATO Raito



HANIOKA Norikazu





(分担)ドネペジルのドラッグリポジショニングによるCOVID-19後遺症治療薬の開発 -精神症状治療薬へのリポジショニング-


国立研究開発法人 日本医療研究開発機構(AMED) 医療機器等における先進的研究開発・開発体制強靭化事業 (基盤技術開発プロジェクト) 応用フェーズの研究開発課題


(代表研究者 園生智弘)AIホスピタル事業
国立研究開発法人 医薬基盤健康栄養研究所:戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(SIP)

RESEARCH ARTICLES (as TXP Research / Collaboration)

1. Sato M, Goto T. Dose reduction of olaparib in older patients: Insights from an analysis of a National Database in Japan. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2023 Dec;49(12):2889-2893.

2. Yasuda M, Saito A, Goto T, Yamamoto R, Liu K, Kuriyama A, Kondo Y, Kasugai D; RED‐PAM study investigators. Challenges hindering emergency physicians; involvement in multicenter collaborative studies in Japan: A nationwide survey analysis. Acute Med Surg. 2023 Nov 23;10(1):e906.

3. Ito N, Kadomatsu S, Fujisawa M, Fukaguchi K, Ishizawa R, Kanda N, Kasugai D, Nakajima M, Goto T, Tsugawa Y. The Accuracy and Potential Racial and Ethnic Biases of GPT-4 in the Diagnosis and Triage of Health Conditions: Evaluation Study. JMIR Med Educ. 2023 Nov 2;9:e47532.

4. Nakajima M, Okada Y, Sonoo T, Goto T. Development and Validation of a Novel Method for Converting the Japan Coma Scale to Glasgow Coma Scale. J Epidemiol. 2023 Oct 5;33(10):531-535.

5. (Letter) Kasugai D, Nakashima T, Goto T. Clinical implications of urine output-based sepsis-associated acute kidney injury. Intensive Care Med. 2023 Oct;49(10):1263-1265

6. Shibata J, Okada Y, Osawa I, Shiraishi A, Goto T. Trauma mechanisms and patterns of blunt cervical vascular injury: A descriptive study using a nationwide trauma registry. Am J Emerg Med. 2023 Sep;71:117-122.

7. Takahashi M, Ogura K, Goto T, Hayakawa M. Electrocardiogram monitoring as a predictor of neurological and survival outcomes in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a single-center retrospective observational study. Front Neurol. 2023 Jul 4;14:1210491.

8. Shibata J, Osawa I, Fukuchi K, Goto T. The Association Between Time From Emergency Department Visit to ICU Admission and Mortality in Patients With Sepsis. Crit Care Explor. 2023 May 9;5(5):e0915.

9. Saito A, Osawa I, Shibata J, Sonoo T, Nakamura K, Goto T. The prognostic utility of prehospital qSOFA in addition to emergency department qSOFA for sepsis in patients with suspected infection: A retrospective cohort study. PLoS One. 2023 Feb 24;18(2):e0282148.

10.Okuma A, Nakajima M, Sonoo T, Nakamura K, Goto T. Association between comorbid mental illness and preceding emergency department visits in unplanned admissions. Acute Med Surg. 2023 Jan 18;10(1):e814

11. Nakamura K, Ogura K, Nakano H, Ikechi D, Mochizuki M, Takahashi Y, Goto T. Explorative Clustering of the Nitrogen Balance Trajectory in Critically Ill Patients: A Preliminary post hoc Analysis of a Single-Center Prospective Observational Study. Ann Nutr Metab. 2023;79(5):460-468

12. Fukaguchi K, Goto T, Yamamoto T, Yamagami H. Experimental Implementation of NSER Mobile App for Efficient Real-Time Sharing of Prehospital Patient Information With Emergency Departments: Interrupted Time-Series Analysis. JMIR Form Res. 2022;6(7):e37301.

13. Fujimori R, Liu K, Soeno S, Naraba H, Ogura K, Hara K, Sonoo T, Ogura T, Nakamura K, Goto T. Acceptance, Barriers, and Facilitators to Implementing Artificial Intelligence-Based Decision Support Systems in Emergency Departments: Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation. JMIR Form Res. 2022;6(6):e36501.

14. Fukuchi K, Osawa I, Satake S, Ito H, Shibata J, Dohi E, Kasugai D, Miyamoto Y, Ohbe H, Tamoto M, Yamada K, Yoshikawa K, Goto T. The Contribution of Chest X-Ray to Predict Extubation Failure in Mechanically Ventilated Patients Using Machine Learning-Based Algorithms. Crit Care Explor. 2022;4(6):e0718

15. Liu K, Shibata J, Fukuchi K, Takahashi K, Sonoo T, Ogura T, Goto T.Optimal timing of introducing mobilization therapy for ICU patients with sepsis. J Intensive Care. 2022;10(1):22.

16. Okada Y, Okada A, Ito H, et al. External validation of the POP score for predicting obstetric and gynecological diseases in the emergency department. Am J Emerg Med. 2021;51:348-353

17. Shibata J , Osawa I, Soeno S, et al. Risk factors of sepsis among patients with qSOFA<2 in the emergency department. Am J Emerg Med 2021;50:699-706

18. Naraba H. Goto T. Tokuda M. et al. Accuracy and stability of a subcutaneous flash glucose monitoring system in critically ill patient. J Diabetes Sci Technol. Jun 11:19322968211017203.

19. Fukaguchi K, Yamagami H, Soeno S. et al. Association of Initial Potassium Levels with the Type of Stroke in the Emergency Department. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021;30(8):105875.

20. Naraba H, Goto T, Shirakawa T et al. Time in blood glucose range 70 to 180 mg/dL and survival rate in critically ill patients: A retrospective cohort study. PLOS One. 2021;16(5):e0252158.

21. Osawa I, Sonoo T, Soeno S, Hara K, Nakamura K, and Goto T. Clinical performance of early warning scoring systems for identifying sepsis among anti-hypertensive agent users. Am J Emerg Med. 2021;48:120-127

22. Soeno S, Hara K, Fujimori R, Hashimoto K, Shirakawa T, Sonoo T, Nakamura K, Goto T. Initial assessment in emergency departments by chief complaint and respiratory rate. J Gen Fam Med. 2021;22(4):202-208

23. Fukaguchi K, Goto T, Fukui H, Sekine I, Yamagami H. Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome: the importance of follow-up imaging within 2 weeks. Acute Med Surg. 2020;7(1):e559.

24. Osawa I, Goto T, Yamamoto Y, Tsugawa Y. Machine-learning-based prediction models for high-need high-cost patients using nationwide clinical and claims data. NPJ Digit Med. 2020;3(1):148.

25. Shirakawa T, Sonoo T, Ogura K, Fujimori R, Hara K, Goto T, Hashimoto H, Takahashi Y, Naraba H, Nakamura K. Institution-Specific Machine Learning Models for Prehospital Assessment to Predict Hospital Admission: Prediction Model Development Study. J Med Int Res Med Inform. 2020;8(10):e20324.

26. Goto T, Hara K, Hashimoto K, Soeno S, Shirakawa T, Sonoo T, Nakamura K. Validation of chief complaints, medical history, medications, and physician diagnoses structured with an integrated emergency department information system in Japan: the Next Stage ER system. Acute Med Surg. 2020;7(1):e554.

27. Nakamura K, Ogura K, Nakano H, Naraba H, Takahashi Y, Sonoo T, Hashimoto H, Goto T. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy Is Associated with the Outcome of Persistent Inflammation, Immunosuppression and Catabolism Syndrome. J Clin Med. 2020;9(8):E2662.

28. Nakamura K, Ogura K, Nakano H, Naraba H, Takahashi Y, Sonoo T, Hashimoto H, Morimura N. C-reactive protein clustering to clarify persistent inflammation, immunosuppression and catabolism syndrome. Intensive Care Med. 2020;46(3):437-443.

RESEARCH ARTICLES (TXP Research affiliated)

1. Sugaya A, Naito K, Goto T, Hagiwara Y, Okamoto H, Watase H, Hasegawa K. First-Pass Success of Video Laryngoscope Compared With Direct Laryngoscope in Intubations Performed by Residents in the Emergency Department. Cureus. 2023;15(10):e47563.

2. Hata T, Goto T, Yamanaka S, Matsumoto T, Yamamura O, Hayashi H. Prognostic value of initial serum sodium level in predicting disease severity in patients with COVID-19: A multicenter retrospective study. J Infect Chemother. 2023:S1341-321X(23)00242-8.

3. Osawa I, Goto T, Kudo D, Hayakawa M, Yamakawa K, Kushimoto S, Foster DM, Kellum JA, Doi K. Targeted therapy using polymyxin B hemadsorption in patients with sepsis: a post-hoc analysis of the JSEPTIC-DIC study and the EUPHRATES trial. Crit Care. 2023:21;27(1):245.

4. Takahashi J, Goto T, Fujitani S, Okamoto H, Hagiwara Y, Watase H, Hasegawa K; Japanese Emergency Medicine Network Investigators. Association of airway obstruction with first-pass success and intubation-related adverse events in the emergency department: multicenter prospective observational studies. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 May 25;10:1199750.

5. Ohbe H, Goto T, Okada A, Yasunaga H. Association between COVID-19 pandemic and mental disorders in spouses of intensive care unit patients. Intensive Care Med. 2023 Jan;49(1):112-114.

6. Osawa I, Goto T, Tabuchi T, Koga HK, Tsugawa Y. Machine-learning approaches to identify determining factors of happiness during the COVID-19 pandemic: retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2022 Dec 16;12(12):e054862

7. Nakamura K, Ogura K, Ohbe H, Goto T. Clinical Criteria for Persistent Inflammation, Immunosuppression, and Catabolism Syndrome: An Exploratory Analysis of Optimal Cut-Off Values for Biomarkers. J Clin Med. 2022 Sep 29;11(19):5790.

8. Liu K, Nakamura K, Kudchadkar SR, Katsukawa H, Nydahl P, Ely EW, Takahashi K, Inoue S, Nishida O. Mobilization and Rehabilitation Practice in ICUs During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Intensive Care Med. 2022 Sep;37(9):1256-1264.

9. ISARIC Clinical Characterization Group, Garcia-Gallo E, Merson L, Kennon K, Kelly S, Citarella BW, Fryer DV, Shrapnel S, Lee J, Duque S, Fuentes YV, Balan V, Smith S, Wei J, Gonçalves BP, Russell CD, Sigfrid L, Dagens A, Olliaro PL, Baruch J, Kartsonaki C, Dunning J, Rojek A, Rashan A, Beane A, Murthy S, Reyes LF. ISARIC-COVID-19 dataset: A Prospective, Standardized, Global Dataset of Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19. Sci Data. 2022;9(1):454.

10. Sugiura A, Shamekhi J, Goto T, Spieker M, Iliadis C, Kavsur R, Mauri V, Kelm M, Baldus S, Tanaka T, Tabata N, Sinning JM, Weber M, Zimmer S, Nickenig G, Westenfeld R, Pfister R, Becher MU; of the Heart Failure Network Rhineland. Early response of right-ventricular function to percutaneous mitral valve repair. Clin Res Cardiol. 2022;111(8):859-868.

11. Sakamoto T, Goto T, Fujiogi M, Kawarai Lefor A. Machine learning in gastrointestinal surgery. Surg Today. 2022;52(7):995-1007.

12. Nishimoto Y, Ohbe H, Matsui H, Nakajima M, Sasabuchi Y, Goto T, Morita K, Fushimi K, Sato Y, Yasunaga H. Predictive ability of the sequential organ failure assessment score for in-hospital mortality in patients with cardiac critical illnesses: a nationwide observational study. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2022;11(4):312-321

13. Okada A, Hashimoto Y, Goto T, Yamaguchi S, Ono S, Ikeda Kurakawa K, Nangaku M, Yamauchi T, Yasunaga H, Kadowaki T. A Machine Learning-Based Predictive Model to Identify Patients Who Failed to Attend a Follow-up Visit for Diabetes Care After Recommendations From a National Screening Program. Diabetes Care. 2022;45(6):1346-1354.

14. Ohbe H, Goto T, Nakamura K, Matsui H, Yasunaga H. Development and validation of early prediction models for new-onset functional impairment at hospital discharge of ICU admission. Intensive Care Med. 2022;48(6):679-689

15. Ohbe H, Goto T, Matsui H, Fushimi K, Yasunaga H. Associations of Government-issued ICU Admission Criteria with Clinical Practices, Outcomes, and ICU Bed Occupancy. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2022;19(6):1013-1021

16. Goto T, Kudo D, Uchimido R, Hayakawa M, Yamakawa K, Abe T, Shiraishi A, Kushimoto S. Web-based application for predicting the potential target phenotype for recombinant human thrombomodulin therapy in patients with sepsis: analysis of three multicentre registries. Crit Care. 2022;26(1):145

17. Watanabe S, Liu K, Nakamura K, Kozu R, Horibe T, Ishii K, Yasumura D, Takahashi Y, Nanba T, Morita Y, Kanaya T, Suzuki S, Lefor AK, Katsukawa H, Kotani T. Association between Early Mobilization in the ICU and Psychiatric Symptoms after Surviving a Critical Illness: A Multi-Center Prospective Cohort Study. J Clin Med. 2022;11(9):2587.

18. Liu K, Nakamura K, Kudchadkar SR, Katsukawa H, Nydahl P, Ely EW, Takahashi K, Inoue S, Nishida O.J Intensive Care Med. Mobilization and Rehabilitation Practice in ICUs During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2022 Apr 27:8850666221097644

19. Goto T, Oka S, Okamoto H, Hagiwara Y, Watase H, Hasegawa K. Association of Number of Physician Postgraduate Years With Patient Intubation Outcomes in the Emergency Department. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(4) e226622

20. Konishi T, Goto T, Fujiogi M, Michihata N, Kumazawa R, Matsui H, Fushimi K, Tanabe M, Seto Y, Yasunaga H. New machine learning scoring system for predicting postoperative mortality in gastroduodenal ulcer perforation: A study using a Japanese nationwide inpatient database. Surgery. 2022;171(4):1036-1042

21. Liu K, Kotani T, Nakamura K, Chihiro T, Morita Y, Ishii K, Fujizuka K, Yasumura D, Taniguchi D, Hamagami T, Shimojo N, Nitta M, Hongo T, Akieda K, Atsuo M, Kaneko T, Sakuda Y, Andoh K, Nagatomi A, Tanaka Y, Irie Y, Kamijo H, Hanazawa M, Kasugai D, Ayaka M, Oike K, Lefor AK, Takahashi K, Katsukawa H, Ogura T. Effects of evidence-based ICU care on long-term outcomes of patients with sepsis or septic shock (ILOSS): protocol for a multicentre prospective observational cohort study in Japan. BMJ Open. 2022;12(3):e054478.

22. Hama T, Ushijima A, Goto T, Nagamatsu H, Morita N, Yoshimachi F, Ikari Y, Kobayashi Y.J Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Glomerular Filtration Rate Using Serum Cystatin C Concentration in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease and Renal Dysfunction. Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2022;42(2):E15-E22.

23. Miyamoto Y, Matsuyama T, Goto T, Ohbe H, Kitamura T, Yasunaga H, Ohta B. Association between age and neurological outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients resuscitated with extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a nationwide multicentre observational study. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2022;11(1):35-42.

24. Nakano H, Naraba H, Hashimoto H, Mochizuki M, Takahashi Y, Sonoo T, Ogawa Y, Matsuishi Y, Shimojo N, Inoue Y, Nakamura K. Novel protocol combining physical and nutrition therapies, Intensive Goal-directed REhabilitation with Electrical muscle stimulation and Nutrition (IGREEN) care bundle. Crit Care. 2021;25(1):415.

25. Kudo D, Goto T, Uchimido R. et al. Coagulation phenotypes in sepsis and effects of recombinant human thrombomodulin: an analysis of three multicentre observational studies. Crit Care. 2021 19;25(1):114

26. Miyamoto Y, Ohbe H, Goto T, Yasunaga H. Association between intensive care unit admission of a patient and mental disorders in the spouse: a retrospective matched-pair cohort study. J Intensive Care. 2021;29;9(1):69

27. Liu K, Nakamura K, Katsukawa H, Nydahl P, Ely EW, Kudchadkar SR, Takahashi K, Elhadi M, Gurjar M, Leong BK, Chung CR, Balachandran J, Inoue S, Lefor AK, Nishida O.Front Med (Lausanne). Implementation of the ABCDEF Bundle for Critically Ill ICU Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-National 1-Day Point Prevalence Study. 2021;8:735860.

28. Liu K, Nakamura K, Katsukawa H, et al. ABCDEF bundle and supportive intensive care unit practices for patients with COVID-19 infection: An international point prevalence study -The ISIIC Study-. Crit Care Explor. 2021;3(3):e0353

29. Sugiura A, Weber M, Tabata N, Goto T, Öztürk C, Lin M, Zimmer S, Nickenig G, Sinning JM. QRS duration is a risk indicator of adverse outcomes after MitraClip. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2020;98(4):E594-E601.

30. Sugiura A, Weber M, Tabata N, Goto T, Grube E, Treede H, Werner N, Nickenig G, Sinning JM. Association of heart failure duration with clinical outcomes after transcatheter mitral valve repair for functional mitral regurgitation. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2021;98(3):E412-E419.

31. Osawa I, Goto T, Asami Y, Itoh N, Kaga Y, Yamamoto Y, Tsugawa Y. Physician visits and medication prescriptions for major chronic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2021;11 (7) e050938

32. Ito Y, Goto T, Huh JY, Yamamura O, Hamano T, Kikuta KI, Hayashi H. Development of a Scoring System to Predict Prolonged Post-Stroke Dysphagia Remaining at Discharge from a Subacute Care Hospital to the Home. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021;30(7):105804

33. Katsukawa H, Ota K, Liu K, Morita Y, Watanabe S, Sato K, Ishii K, Yasumura D, Takhamaahashi Y, Tani T, Oosaki H, Nanba T, Kozu R, Kotani T. Risk Factors of Patient-Related Safety Events during Active Mobilization for Intubated Patients in Intensive Care Units-A Multi-Center Retrospective Observational Study. J Clin Med. 2021;10(12):2607.

34. Nakamura K, Nakano H, Naraba H, Mochizuki M, Takahashi Y, Sonoo T, Hashimoto H, Abe T, Hayakawa M, Yamakawa K. Vasopressin Loading for Refractory Septic Shock: A Preliminary Analysis of a Case Series. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021;8:644195.

35. Sugiura A, Vogelhuber J, Öztürk C, Schwaibold Z, Reckers D, Goto T, Kavsur R, Becher MU, Zimmer S, Nickenig G, Weber M. PASCAL versus MitraClip-XTR edge-to-edge device for the treatment of tricuspid regurgitation: a propensity-matched analysis. Clin Res Cardiol. 2021;110(3):451-459

36. Nakamura K, Nakano H, Naraba H, Mochizuki M, Takahashi Y, Sonoo T, Hashimoto H, Morimura N. High protein versus medium protein delivery under equal total energy delivery in critical care: A randomized controlled trial. Clin Nutr. 2021;40(3):796-803.

37. Murakami H, Naraba H, Gondo T, Mochizuki M, Nakano H, Takahashi Y, Sonoo T, Hashimoto H, Nakamura K. Diagnostic Value of Serum Procalcitonin in Patients with Convulsion in Emergency Department, an Observational Study. Antibiotics (Basel). 2020;9(10):683.

38. Osawa I, Sato T, Goto T, Sonoo T, Iwai S, Nakajima S. Characteristics and subgroups of frequent emergency department users in an academic hospital in Japan. Acute Med Surg. 2020;7(1):e535



People's Award (most voted)
Team Leader: GOTO Tadahiro
"Development and Validation of a Bedside-Available Machine Learning Model to Predict Discrepancies between SaO2 and SpO2"
TMDU-NUS-MIT 3rd Critical Care Datathon

Team Leader: Osawa Itsuki
"Heterogeneity in Treatment Effects of Lower Mechanical Power"
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine datathon


1st prize
Team Leader: GOTO Tadahiro
"Optimal hemodynamic management for preventing dialysis-requiring acute kidney injury in patients with sepsis using deep reinforcement learning"
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine datathon


Best Presentation Award in Datathon
Team Leader: GOTO Tadahiro
"Heterogeneity in treatment effects of hydrocortisone for sepsis to explore potential targets"
Healthcare AI EXPO 2021


Outstanding Performance Award in Datathon
Team Leader: GOTO Tadahiro
"The Contribution of Chest X-Ray to Predict Extubation Failure in Mechanically Ventilated Patients Using Machine Learning-Based Algorithms"
Healthcare AI EXPO 2020







1.(学生・研修医セッション)伊藤直毅ら:Descriptive Study on Patients Presenting with Posterior Neck Pain in the Emergency Department
2.(EMS-Asia Joint Session)後藤匡啓ら:救急外来受診患者の疫学的調査と類型分類に関する多施設観察研究(ECLIPSE-ED study)




1. (優秀演題)卯野木陽子ら:ICU再入室予測モデルの開発と妥当性の検証
2. (一般演題)埴岡紀和ら:動脈血液ガス分析(ABG)の必要性の予測する機械学習モデルの開発
3. (一般演題)門松咲南ら:脳卒中患者に対する気管挿管後の血圧上昇因子の分析

European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Meeting

1. (e-Poster)Fukuchi K, Osawa I, Shibata J, Goto T. Initiation timing of Hydrocortisone in Adults with Septic Shock: A Machine Learning-Based Approach to Estimate Time-Varying Treatment Effects.

2. (e-Poster)Shibata J, Osawa I, Fukuchi K, Goto T. The association between time from emergency department visit to ICU admission and mortality among patients with sepsis.

The 1st Joint Scientific Congress of TSCCM, TSECCM and JSICM

1. (Best Abstract Award)Fukaguchi K. Association of door to operation time with the prognosis in colorectal perforation.


1. (シンポジウム)中島幹男ら:ビッグデータとデータサイエンス. Japan Coma ScaleをGlasgow Coma Scaleへと換算する方法の開発と検証
3. (一般演題)山田浩平ら:熱中症が疑われる患者の中から敗血症患者を同定し得る因子の探索:多施設観察研究
4. (一般演題)中村謙介ら:PIICS臨床診断基準における検査所見の機械学習による至適カットオフ解析
5. (一般演題)鱶口清満ら:大腸穿孔におけるDoor to Operation Timeと予後との関連


1. (一般演題):上條泰ら:実体重または予測体重で調整したRSBIの抜管失敗に対する予測性能


1. (学生・研修医セッション)伊佐地里帆ら:市中肺炎の初期の重症度評価におけるA-DROPとCURB65の外的妥当性の検証
2. (学生・研修医セッション)柴田潤一郎ら:鈍的頸部血管症例における受傷起点,受傷パターンに関する記述研究
3. (学生・研修医セッション)柴田潤一郎ら:救急外来受診患者の病院前情報を用いた疾患群予測AIツールの開発

第25回 日本救急医学会中部地方会 総会・学術集会

1. (招待講演)後藤匡啓:救急医療における人工知能・機械学習の応用

American College of Emergency Physician Scientific Assembly

1. Fujimori R et al. Acceptance and barriers of AI-based decision support systems in emergency departments: a quantitative and qualitative evaluation
2. Okuma A et al. Association between comorbid mental illness and preceding emergency department visits in unplanned admissions
3. Shibata J et al. Risk factors of sepsis among patients with qSOFA<2 in the emergency department
4. Ishizawa R et al. Characteristics of femoral fractures and accompanied fall-related injuries
5. Fukaguchi et al. The diagnostic accuracy of costovertebral angle tenderness in the emergency department

Society for Critical Care Medicine Annual Meeting

1. Fukuchi K, et al. Optimal Sedation Strategy for Ventilated Patients with Sepsis Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
2. Kamijo Y, et al. Predicting Extubation Failure Using Actual Body Weight-Adjusted Rapid Shallow Breathing Index
3. Yamada K, et al. Factors Differentiating Sepsis from Heatstroke in Patients with Suspected Heatstroke
4. Osawa I, et al. Machine Learning-Based Estimation of Potential Targets of Polymyxin-B Hemoperfusion Use for Sepsis
5. Shibata J, et al. Optimal Timing of Early Mobilization for ICU Patients with Sepsis: An IPW-Estimated Analysis

European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Meeting

(International Sepsis Forum Award) Osawa I, et al. Targeted Antithrombin Use for Sepsis with Coagulopathy: A Machine Learning-Based Approach to Estimate Heterogeneous Treatment Effects


(一般演題)柴田潤一郎ら:敗血症患者の救急外来受診時点におけるバイタルサインの類型と予後と の関連

Machine Learning for Healthcare

Hara K, Yoshihara R, Sonoo T, Shirakawa T, Goto T, Nakamura K. Development of phenotype algorithms for common acute conditions using SHapley Additive exPlanation values.


(ワークショップ)劉啓文:新型コロナウイルス感染症患者におけるABCDEF bundle実施率・栄養療法の検討:学会主導前向き国際比較研究

