New Year’s Greetings

We would like to extend our warmest New Year’s greetings.

We are deeply grateful for your invaluable support and cooperation throughout the past year.

In 2024, we completed our Series C fundraising, which was part of our efforts to establish a solid foundation for our future IPO. We are honored to have received tremendous support from MPower Partners, NTT Communications Corporation, and Medical Data Vision Co., Ltd., which we consider a decisive vote of confidence in our company and its growth potential. Building on this support, we are committed to achieving further business growth and more excellent societal contributions.

Our flagship emergency department system for acute care hospitals, NEXT Stage ER, is now deployed in its 80th medical facility nationwide, achieving a market share of approximately 40% in university hospitals and critical care centers. Additionally, NSER mobile, our emergency medical information system for paramedics, has officially launched operations in seven cities and is widely utilized in the field. Furthermore, our medical database services for pharmaceutical companies have secured multiple large-scale projects, creating a new acute care medical data market where no such data previously existed. These accomplishments are the result of your steadfast support, our partners’ collaboration, and the relentless dedication of our employees. We take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved.

In 2025, we aim to build upon our achievements and drive further innovation in healthcare by introducing new products. In particular, we plan to launch Speech ER and the NEXT Stage Document Assistant, which utilize generative AI to streamline medical workflows and enhance diagnostic accuracy. These solutions will further meet healthcare professionals' needs and improve medical practices' efficiency.

The healthcare industry continues to face numerous challenges, including rising medical costs, labor shortages, aging populations, and regional disparities in healthcare access. At TXP Medical, we remain dedicated to our guiding principle: “Clinically Good, Socially Good.” We aspire to be a company that delivers actual value to healthcare, tackling fundamental issues rather than settling for superficial improvements.

As we pursue business expansion and further growth, we will remain steadfast in fulfilling our social mission and supporting the future of healthcare.

We wish you the best wishes for a successful and fulfilling 2025.

Tomohiro Sono
TXP Medical Co. Ltd.

